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My name is Clem. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. It is lovely to connect with you. I have  created this space to share my creativity and writing and to connect with others who love creativity as much as I do.

As a working mum, it is sometimes difficult to make time to create. Creativity helps me so much with my mental health and wellbeing and consequently it is great to have a space to explore my creative side.

I have been a life long crafter and have tried lots of different kinds. My current favourite crafts are scrapbooking, getting messy with paints, sewing and quilting. I am always keen to try new ones.

I also love to create with words through journaling, writing stories and poems. If I am not inside crafting or writing I love to be outside in nature. I am so grateful for my garden and the beautiful Shropshire countryside where I call home.

Finally I am incredibly passionate about mindfulness and how it can help us to cope with this crazy world we sometimes find ourselves in. I have completed several Mindfulness courses and including an NVQ in Mindfulness. I love combining creativity with mindfulness.

Creativity can be so calming and allows us to slow down, focus and truly be in the moment. For me it is not about what you create. Instead it is the joy and calm found through the process of it.

I love how creativity can draw us together. It creates a common thread helping to connect us together whether we are two minutes apart or divided by oceans. In a world where we are increasingly separated, connection is so important.

My hope for this website is to reach others who love to create too. to hold space for others to come together, so we can make time to bring creativity into our busy lives and find some calm.

Thank you for visiting my little creative world. I can also be found on Instagram at @smilinthrulife. please visit there if you would like to connect further or follow the link to my connect page to send me a message Here.